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Comparecare 1Image Associates was part of a special creative team assembled by health consultant Mary Angel to develop a new website for the West Virginia Health Care Authority (WVHCA). The new website, www.comparecarewv.gov, provides a central source where consumers can compare services and the comparable costs for those services at all West Virginia hospitals.

Users can search the website by procedure or location and receive a chart that lists all relevant facilities that offer specific treatments within a specifically chosen distance from a consumers home zip code.

Angel noted that consumers without health insurance now have a resource available that could help them find the most cost effective treatment available. The site also contains resources for discovering other general health care information.

The project, a collaborative effort between the WVHCA IT department and Image Associates, began in October and went live on January 31, 2007.

The site is a .NET site on Microsoft Servers and is hosted by the WVHCA. Image Associates interpreted Angels designs and coded them for browser display using xhtml and css. Image Associates also assisted WVHCA with back end programming in the .NET environment by providing a link between the front-end design and the database used to drive the content.