The West Virginia Nursery and Landscape Association represents an ever-growing list of businesses and professionals in the field. They came to Image Associates with an old outdated, static HTML website that could not be updated by WVNLA staff, and was neither mobile-friendly nor user-friendly. Other similar associations in neighboring states had superior functionality, including searchable online guides, and more modern appearances. WVNLA also wanted the ability to move their membership online, accepting dues payments via credit card to replace their old method of paper and checks.
As with many older, non-dynamic web sites, the existing HTML static site had to be scrapped and a robust Content Management System installed. Additional desired functionality would need to be added via the CMS plugin architecture. Finding and implementing an appropriate membership system with online payment options was a top priority.
The new West Virginia Nursery & Landscape Association website, produced by Image Associates, went live in July, 2015. The site’s design takes the organic nature of the landscape business as its inspiration, creating a beautiful site which stands out in the sea of square grid, template-driven sites used by other such organizations in surrounding states. Built on WordPress, the site features all desired functionality with nearly infinite expandability:
WVNLA now has a modern site with a rustic feel, which will also provide a better and more reliable way to maintain their membership and drive customers to their members’ businesses.