IA Logo
How are you? Is your brand working for you?
What are you looking for?Increased sales? Public awareness? A new identity?
We've got it! Strategy. Media Production. Marketing. Design.
(304) 546-2583

We've Got It TITLE

We’ve Got IT

We've Got It SECTION - Portfolio

How We Do It TITLE

How We Do IT

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Bill Hogan

Managing Member

Sharon Harms

Partner, Art Director

Carl Varney

Technical Director

Brooke Lewis

Office Manager/Producer
Image Associates, LLC is a full-service communications company created in 1996. We are West Virginia’s only marketing/public relations firm with complete in-house, high-definition media production capabilities. We can see your concept through from beginning to end. Our award-winning work has garnered scores of TELLY awards and numerous ADDY awards since our creation.
Unlike other agencies who must subcontract television and radio production, we can produce the concepts we develop, thus controlling costs by eliminating subcontractor mark-ups. Our goal is to provide communications that not only support our client’s public relations and marketing efforts, but is also creative, targeted, cost-efficient and effective.

Creative Services

Creative services is one of our greatest strengths. We bring the full force of our firm to bear when a client needs a creative concept or solution to a marketing problem.


Strategic planning services are an integral part of our expertise. Strategy separates a mediocre campaign from an effective campaign.

Video Production

Our in-house video production company allows us to go from concept to edit, all in 4K, without subcontracting. We can distribute your video on the web, on physical disc or deliver for broadcast.

Internet & Web

Clients constantly remark on the effectiveness and ease of use that Image Associates brings to their Web sites. Our designs range from simple small business sites to enterprise class sites.

Media Buying

Over a million dollars in media buys each year has positioned Image Associates as a powerful player in our region’s media market.

Direct Response

We have the necessary manpower, corporate relationships, experience and vision to develop, initiate, execute and track an effective direct response effort.


Image Associates has worked with a number of research firms for both quantitative survey research and qualitative research services for a variety of clients.

Public Relations

Image Associates has the experience and relationships with media outlets across the Mid-Atlantic region to see a PR campaign through to its successful conclusion.

Who We Do It For TITLE

Who We Do IT For

Who We Do It For SECTION - Clients

Frontier Communications WVHDF WVUP CTCS Logo
Ghareeb NRCTC Flowerscape Logo WVIC Logo

The team at Image Associates works quickly, efficiently and demands the highest quality work from themselves and their contracted workers. Image Associates has been a tremendous business association for Contemporary Galleries for over 30 years. I know you can expect the same productivity, effeciency and friendship that we have experienced.

Mary Anne Crickard, Manager, Comtemporary Galleries of West Virginia, Inc.

They have consistently produced quality work and contributed to many successful campaigns. The staff at Image Associates is always available, very creative, and extremely pleasant to work with.

Bryan Shaw, Sr. Marketing Specialist, South East Region, Frontier Communications

They took our heavily outdated web site and delivered a final product that is a dynamic and user-friendly. We’ve received nothing but positive feedback and I would be glad to work with Image Associates on future projects.

Katie Wootton, Director of Marketing and Communications, West Virginia University at Parkersburg


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